• Language

Northgate Primary School

Northgate Primary School



Welcome to Raleigh Class!

My name is Mrs Brewer and I am the year 3 class teacher. Working in Raleigh class we also have Miss Brown, our Higher Level Teaching Assistant. We will be using this page throughout the year to keep you updated on our learning. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff on the gate in the mornings or myself at the end of the day. 

Class information

Raleigh Class PE lessons will take place on a Wednesday and Thursday

At the beginning of the academic year, I will hold a curriculum meeting to provide more information about the teaching and learning in Year 3. After the meeting I will attach the meeting notes below. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

We've got lots of exciting things to look forward to this year. Please click on the links below to find out a little bit more about our learning.

Raleigh Class Curriculum Meeting

Learning in Raleigh Class

Summer B - Ancient Egyptians

Please click on the links below for more information about what we will learn in Summer A!

For our Summer B Curriculum Overview click here

For our Summer B Knowledge Organiser click here


Summer A - Rivers

Please click on the links below for more information about what we will learn in Summer A!

For our Summer A Curriculum Overview click here

For our Summer A Knowledge Organiser click here

Health and Wellbeing week

Raleigh class enjoyed learning different ways to keep our bodies healthy during this focus week. We spent lots of time excersising in different ways: skipping, stretching, atheletics and kickboxing. We also enjoyed thinking about what we healthy foods we can eat and enjoy, so we made blueberry muffins!



Spring B - Buzzing about plants

Please click on the links below for more information about what we will learn in Spring B!

For our Spring B Curriculum Overview click here

For our Spring B Knowledge Organiser click here

If you missed our class assembly, there are lots of photos of our Stone Age to Iron Age learning here.

World Book Day

We had great fun celebrating World Book Day; we rapped picture books, completed book scavenger hunts and immersed ourselves in literature by listening to an audiobook.

Iron Age at the Museum of Somerset

Raleigh class visited the Museum of Somerset to attend an Iron Age workshop. They had a lot of fun learning about what life would have been like in the Iron Age and exploring the museum.





Visiting Avalon Care Home





Spring A - Return of the Robots!

Please click on the links below for more information about what we will learn in Spring A!

For our Spring A Curriculum Overview  click here

For our Spring A Knowledge Organiser  click here

Children's Mental Health week

As part of Children's Mental Health week, Raleigh class spent lots of time looking at the importance of looking after our bodies and minds. The children practised a range of methods for calming their bodies and minds, including immersing themselves in music, yoga, doodling and visiting calming places, such as the local Arts Centre for their A Level art exhibition. 





In English this term, we have been exploring how to create an exciting Newspaper Report. The children watched video footage of a gigantic robot attacking our school and have spent time carefully crafting an exciting, yet informative, report. Before writing the report, they spent time working together to create a news broadcast. These were excellent!





We began the term with lots of time to explore angles! The children made angle checkers to help them identify acute, right and obtuse angles. They also enlisted the help of Spongebob Squarepants to find right angles in their environment.




We have been exploring forces through the exploration of magnets! The children enjoyed testing a range of materials in the classroom.




This term, we have been unlocking our inner dancer! Who knew that Raleigh Class had such talent as dancers!


They have also worked very hard to increase their accuracy within basket ball!



We've linked our computing topic to other units across the curriculum this term. So we have been exploring robots! The Spheros have been helping us to cause robot mischief!



NSPCC Number Day

The children came into school dressed in their best number themed outfits! They enoyed extended time on TTRockstars and Hit the Button; they also all performed incredibly well when rehearsing their square numbers!




Autumn B - Stone Age Survival

Please click on the links below for more information about what we will learn in Autumn B!

For our Autumn B Curriculum Overview click here

For our Autumn B Knowledge Organiser click here



The children have been learning about colour theory. They used water colours to create colour wheels and then used these to support their colour wash backgrounds.


Stone Age Forest School

Raleigh Class enjoyed being Hunter-gatherers this term! We spent an afternoon learning all about life in the Stone Age where they learnt to safely light a fire, build dens and create some artwork.



Raleigh class have been working very hard on the skills needed to play cricket! They've been developing their catching, bowling and batting skills and have been making great progress as the term has progressed.






Autumn A - Where in the World is Bridgwater?

Please click on the links below for more information about what we will learn in Autumn A!

For our Autumn A curriculum letter click here

For our Autumn A Curriculum Overview click here

For our Autumn A Knowledge Organiser click here


Multi-cultural week 

Raleigh Class have been exploring Italy! We've recreated Leonardo Da Vinci's famous artwork, the Mona Lisa. We've also built our own versions of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The children loved pretending to push them over, just as tourists would do when visiting!



Design and Technology    
A healthy picnic

Raleigh Class have learnt all about healthy eating and balance diets this term and they were able to plan, create and evaluate their own healthy picnics. They worked collaboratively to prepare a picnic to enjoy, which included making their own sandwich or wrap independantly and preparing fruits and vegetables to enjoy. 



After we created our healthy picnic, we invited our grown ups in to eat with us and play some games. As it was a rainy autumnal day, we put a digital fire on in the hall and played board games!



Local area walk

As a part of our Geography unit (Where in the world is Bridgwater?), we went for a walk around our local area. During this walk, we revised our learning from the topic so far by searching for dangers in the local area, human and physical features and evidence that we live in an urban town. 









Exploring circuits 

This term, we have been learning about electricity. The children enjoyed using the componants to build their own simple circuits during our first lesson. They had to use their problem skills to identify how to enable the electrical current to move around the circuit and light the bulbs. Since the first lesson, we have also explore the use of a switch and the difference between conductors and insulators.