School News & Gallery
Odd Socks Day 2023
We celebrated the start of anti-bullying week (13th - 17th November) with an odd socks day. The children came to school wearing odd socks to celebrate the fact that we are all unique. The theme of this years anti-bullying week is 'Reach Out' and throughout the week the children have completed a variety of activities to get them thinking about who they can talk to if they feel that they are being bullied.
Year 6 Production
Our Year 6 'Class of 2023' performed their production of 'Alice in Wonderland'
Please click on the link below to view the show.
Safer Internet Day 2023
Safer Internet Day took place on February 7th this year. The children took part in activities around this year's theme of 'Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online.' We then invited parents and carers to come in and the pupils were able to share their own hints and tips about being safe online. Please see the photos below.
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Easter Service 2022
Easter Bonnet Competition 2021
Blake Class
Brunel Class

Kingsley Class
Franklin Class
World Book Day 2021
What a fantastic way to end the first week with all of the children back in school. A celebration together to recognise World Book Day, was thoroughly enjoyed by all the pupils and staff!!
Explorers Class
Blake Class
Brunel Class
Brunel class enjoyed a virtual visit through zoom, from children's author Clare Helen Welsh. Clare delivered a story workshop linked to her book, Poo! Is that You?
The workshop included a story reading, a lemur quiz, a draw along and a Q&A. Brunel had lots of fun taking part in the activities and thought the story was amazing!
Click on the link below to see the range of books from Clare Helen Welsh and where you can buy them
Author Visit with Clare Helen Welsh
Raleigh Class
Kingsley Class
Drake Class
Franklin Class
TT Rockstars Competition February 2021
The children in KS2 have enjoyed participating in a TT Rock Stars Competition - Boys vs Girls. The children were very engaged, and the competition was fierce, with it being neck and neck on points for the majority of the week. However, the boys were triumphant and the highest-scoring boy and girl from each class won a certificate and award, including scientific calculators and analogue watches.
World Mental Health Day -October 2020
Each class wore yellow to recognise World Mental Health Day and took part in activities and discussions about our feelings and making sure we look after each other.
Explorer Class
Blake Class
Brunel Class
Raleigh Class
Kingsley ClassDrake Class
Franklin Class
Victory in Europe Day Celebrations - May 2020
A great time was had by all the pupils and staff who took part in the celebrations for the 75th Anniversary of VE day.
Explorers Class parents and children working together - March 2020
Explorers class had a fantastic morning when we invited our parents in to finish our topic on ‘Our Wonderful World’.
The parents and children worked together to create and environment in a shoe box. We also had lots of other activities mostly based around animals. The children and their grown-ups were fantastic and we had some amazing creations. We would like to say a huge thank you to the parents and carers who came to join us for a fantastic morning together.
Blake Class learn about Florence Nightingale - March 2020
Blake Class had a visit from the Somerset Heritage Centre at the beginning of last term. Sam taught us all about Florence Nightingale and the importance of her work. We looked at a range of artefacts, including a replica of Florence's pet owl Athena, and had a go at dressing up as nurses from 1850.
Brunel Class find creative reading places! - March 2020
For one of our home learning activities, the children in Brunel Class participated in an Extreme Reading Challenge where they had to read their favourite book in a weird and wonderful place.
The children were very creative with their ideas and had lots of fun!
Raleigh Class investigate the River Parrett - March 2020
Earlier this term, some of the children in Raleigh Class came into school very shocked because they had seen that the River Parrett had flooded. Excited to find out more, we went on a walk over to the docks and across the bridge to see the river. We saw that the river was fast-flowing and carrying lots of debris. This sparked lots of questions and the children were eager to find out more. After further research, the children then created their own model rivers using a range of materials in class.
Kingsley class attend a PE Festival - March 2020
Just after half term Kingsley class attended a PE festival at St Joseph’s school. When we arrived, we were split into three groups and each group got to have a go at the three different activities.The first activity was orienteering, and we had to work in small groups to follow a map and find all the stamps around the school grounds. Then we played a game with cones on the floor, we had to memorise and create our own patterns for the other people in our team. The last activity was a relay race around a very big field!
Drake Class work hard as scientists - March 2020
Drake Class have been working hard as scientists. We have been investigating different forces in our environment. We tested the effects of gravity, air resistance and water resistance. Here is a picture of us testing the force of gravity. We were comparing the weight of the force and the mass of the object. We had to use a newton metre to help us. We enjoyed carrying out the experiments this term.
Franklin Class experiment with Banksy art - March 2020
This term, Franklin class continued their exploration of the artist Banksy. Together,we identified some of his fantastic art work. We gave our own opinions about the art work and the pupils chose a piece they would like to focus on for their stencil project. The pupils then sketched this art work and used it to create a stencil to display on their sponge printed brick walls. Some of the pupils were able to use their graffiti skills to convey a strong message onto their brick walls which they believed highlighted a message from the sketch. The end results look amazing!
Explorer Class Visit from PC Penny
Explorer class have been learning about different people who help us. They had a visit from PC Penny who taught them about the role of the police officer and how the police help to keep us safe.
The children were very excited to dress up as police officers and see the police car – especially when PC Penny showed them the sirens!
Northgate Girls’ Football Team
On Thursday 3rd October, Northgate football team went to Bridgwater College to take part in a football tournament. They played against five different schools, drew four of their games and lost only one! Freya, Amy, Chloe, Amelia, Kaysha, Amelia, Lexie, Summer and Martha all played exceptionally well and gave it their all throughout every game. Not only did Amelia H manage to score a fantastic first goal, there were also some incredible defensive performances and excellent goalkeeping at the other end of the pitch. The girls made a brilliant team and encouraged each other throughout. We are very proud of them all and hope they keep up the great work!
Brunel class’ walk into town
On Tuesday 1st October, Brunel class walked into Bridgwater town centre to choose a charity that they would like to raise money for as part of their topic on being 'Superheroes'. The children enjoyed seeing the different charity shops in the town and speaking with the shop managers to gain information about the charities. They had to make a very difficult decision but a class vote saw CLIC Sargent win by one vote! They now need to work together to decide what they are going to do to raise money for this amazing charity.
Drake Class Visit Blake Museum
During the autumn term, Drake Class have been learning all about the First World War. We had the opportunity to visit Blake Museum and learn all about the impact of the war on our local town of Bridgwater. We learnt a lot about the soldiers that went to war and the rationing that took place across the county. We even found out that women were recruited to work in the factories because lots of the men had to go off to war. We had a lovely time and it was a great learning experience for us.
Buzzing about Plants
This term Raleigh Class learned all about plants and pollinators in their topic, ‘Buzzing about Plants’. They decided they wanted to find out more about bees so they wrote to a local beekeeper with their questions. Much to the children's delight, the beekeeper very kindly offered to come in and talk about it!
We had a fantastic time trying on the bee suits, learning about beekeeping, looking at the tools and even trying some honey!
Brunel class trip to the Rural Life Museum
On Wednesday 27th November 2019, Brunel class visited the Rural Life Museum in Glastonbury. We participated in a Victorian Christmas workshop to deepen our knowledge and understanding of the Victorians, as part of our topic this half-term.
We played Victorian Christmas parlour games, made Christmas cornucopias filled with peppermint creams and made Christmas crackers. We had a great day and learnt lots!
Carol Singing at Blake court
On Wednesday 18th December 2019, Blake Class went to Blake Court to sing some Christmas carols. The children sang a variety of songs from our recent nativity performance for the residents. We also got the residents involved in the festivities by asking them to join in with some well-known Christmas carols.
Both the children and residents at Blake Court thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Blake Class Carnival Cart Competition
During the Autumn Term, Blake Class were learning about Bridgwater Carnival. They invited their parents and carers into school to help them make their own model carnival carts based on the theme of flight. The model carnival carts were then entered into a local competition ran by Bridgwater Carnival Committee. The winners were Daniel, Aden and Jenson. The children won an amazing £250 for our school! The winning children will use the money to buy some more outdoor equipment for Blake Class. All of the children (and their parents/carers) worked very hard on their model carnival carts and we are very proud of you all.
Bridgwater Pantomime Society Competition
The Bridgwater Pantomime Society invited us to take part in a colouring competition for the January production of Jack and The Beanstalk. They ran the competition to continue to keep our local children involved and capture their imaginations. We received some fantastic entries and the creativity of the children was outstanding. We are delighted our pupils won 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize in 3 categories.
Library opening
On Monday 16th September 2019 Northgate officially opened it's school library. We were very lucky to have Annie Fisher as our special guest. Annie is well known as a storyteller and published poet, who has worked with children for a number of years. During an assembly, she talked about her love for books and she shared a number of her favourites. She very kindly gave us copies of these to go in our library. She told the Dr Seuss story of 'The Sneetches' which the children enjoyed greatly.
Following this there was a grand ribbon cutting ceremony to formally open the library. Our school councillors helped Annie complete this task as well as children from the new Reception class and Northgate Nursery.
Cream Teas at Northgate
Each class worked hard to raise money throughout the year as part of an Enterprise Project. Part of the money raised was used at the end of the summer term for all pupils from Northgate School and Nursery to join together and enjoy a cream tea and play games in the sunshine.
‘Homes for Somerset’ Art Exhibition
Key Stage 1 Art club created a piece of Art based upon the theme of their local community. This was organised by Homes for Somerset.
Northgate Primary School had four fantastic artists chosen as winners. They were invited to and attended an exhibition of their work at the Engine Room. The four winners received gift vouchers to spend in WHSmiths. Well done to the pupils and thank you to Miss Ridler for encouraging the children to take part.
Maypole Dancing at the Quayside Festival
A group of Northgate pupils attended the Quayside Festival to take part in Maypole Dancing. The children did a fantastic job of representing Northgate. They were very enthusiastic and really enjoyed showing the maypole dancing skills they had learnt in school.
French Student visit
A group of French students came to visit Northgate Primary School. The French students were visiting Bridgwater as part of the twinning with La Ciotat in France. The pupils enjoyed spending time with them in their lessons, whilst the French students helped them with their studies. The French students had also prepared a talk and presentation to explain to the pupils how life is in France, the children very much enjoyed listening to the stories told of the French culture. All pupils shared lunch time together and enjoyed a game of football.
Sports Day
Northgate Sports day took place on Thursday 23rd May. It was a great morning and the children all ran, threw and jumped with all their might. The winning team this year was Sycamore. Many thanks to all who were involved including the staff and PTA for providing teas and coffees.
Bling Up Your Bike Day
On Wednesday 22nd May, the children were invited to 'bling up' their bikes or 'soup up' their scooters. We paraded around the playground with our scooters and bikes before Mrs Penny announced the winners.
Thank you to all of the children who took part.
Show Choir
Congratulations to the Northgate Choir for taking part in Westcan Show Choir: Alternative School of Rock. The children all worked amazingly hard and Meg, from Westfield church, who runs our choir was really proud of their efforts.
Competition winner
Northgate ran a competition to design a poster encouraging pupils to walk to school. The winner was Hendrix. Here he is with his winning entry.
The Pupils and Staff enjoyed celebrating World Book Day 2019.
We love to be part of the community around our school. On a Friday some local residents of Blake Court come to have lunch and share time with the children.